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Hopewell Received Certificate of Appreciation by Say Yes to Breastfeeding Campaign 
26 Jul 2018

Hopewell Holdings Limited (“Hopewell”) is committed to providing a harmonious working environment for our employees. We were awarded a Certificate of Appreciation in “Say Yes to Breastfeeding” campaign 2018/2019 organized by the Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF HK), Food and Health Bureau and Department of Health in recognition of our commitment to promote a Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace. 
Along with setting up Mother Care Rooms in our offices, appropriate measures were implemented to ensure a private, hygienic and friendly environment for our breastfeeding employees.

Hopewell Centre, Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre and Panda Place also became Breastfeeding Friendly Premises and received a Certificate of Appreciation. Baby-care facilities are now available in these premises to facilitate breastfeeding support to lactating mothers.

Carbon Footprint Management
