QRE Plaza, a 25-storey commercial building targeting trendy dining and entertainment outlets, was completed. The building is conveniently connected to Hopewell Centre through a covered footbridge.

QRE Plaza, a 25-storey commercial building targeting trendy dining and entertainment outlets, was completed. The building is conveniently connected to Hopewell Centre through a covered footbridge.
A new brand "The East" was created and launched for a dining and entertainment community in Wan Chai comprising of the Group's retail outlets in Hopewell Centre, QRE Plaza, Wu Chung House and GardenEast.
EMax, a new shopping and entertainment centre located in HITEC, was opened. The new multi-purpose hall, Star Hall, became a popular performance venue in town.
Cycling Activity on GS Superhighway.
The Group signed a letter of intent to build a prototype wind turbine in Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province using a technology developed within the Group.
GardenEast, with 216 high quality serviced apartments, commenced operation.
The Group was the venue sponsor for Bowling, Cue Sports and DanceSport in the Hong Kong 2009 East Asian Games, with the competitions of these three sports held at the Hongkong International Trade & Exhibition Centre.
Phase III of the Western Delta Route commenced construction.
The2X600MW Heyuan Power Plant, one of the most efficient and environmentally friendly coal-fired power plants in Guangdong Province, commenced commercial operation.
The tender for the Lee Tung Street Project in Wan Chai was awarded to the joint venture formed by the Group and Sino Land Company Limited.
The sale of units of Broadwood Twelve, a luxury apartment project in Happy Valley, was launched.
Phase II of the Western Delta Route commenced operation.
EV Show at QRE Festival.
Hopewell Highway Infrastructure Limited became the first non-financial institution to issue RMB corporate bonds in Hong Kong.
Hongkong International Trade & Exhibition Centre at Kowloon Bay was renamed as Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre ("KITEC").
Hopewell Holdings Limited and Hopewell Highway Infrastructure Limited were selected as constituent stocks of the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Benchmark Index.
Hopewell Holdings Limited published the First Sustainability Report which achieved Global Reporting Initiative Application Level B.
QRE Festival at The East.
Hopewell 40th Anniversary.
Hopewell Centre II will start construction by the end of the year.