Panda Hotel in Tsuen Wan opened with over 1,000 guest rooms, more than any other hotel in Hong Kong at the time.

Panda Hotel in Tsuen Wan opened with over 1,000 guest rooms, more than any other hotel in Hong Kong at the time.
Construction work began on Sual Power Station in the Philippines.
GS Superhighway Guangzhou-Shenzhen Section Opening Ceremony Charitable Fundraising.
Guangzhou-Shenzhen Superhighway, the principal highway located in the Pearl River Delta region, opened the full alignment to traffic.
Shunde Roads, the major road network in Shunde Municipality, opened for traffic.
Hongkong International Trade & Exhibition Centre at Kowloon Bay commenced operation.
Shajiao 'C' 3 x 660MW Power Station was completed.
The Pagbilao 2 x 367.5MW Power Station, Philippines' largest coal-fired power plant commenced operation.