Hopewell Holdings Limited
Sustainability Report 2010/11
The nature of our business requires us to take into account
stakeholder views when designing and implementing property and
infrastructure developments. Over the years we have developed
various communication channels that enable us to share information
with stakeholders and receive feedback on an on-going basis. We
also recognise that systematic engagement with all stakeholders is
essential for any long-term sustainability plan. We conducted our first
independent stakeholder engagement exercise to ensure the materiality
of our reporting. Stakeholder opinions are important to us and help
drive improvements in our business and operational performance.
Engaging Communities
We are long-time members of
the Wan Chai neighbourhood and
we are in it for the long haul.
We, too, want what is best for
our neighbourhood.
Albert Kam Yin YEUNG, Executive Director, Hopewell Holdings Limited
As an example of our efforts to keep stakeholders informed of our latest
projects, we have posted information of the Hopewell Centre II project
through a specially designed website (
that clearly illustrates our vision and plans for the project. With the use
of animation and graphic presentation, we intend for our communities
to find it easier to understand our approach and plans.
We will develop a more formal strategy of consultation with
communities which will allow us to better understand the views and
expectations of our stakeholders relating to our major developments.
Consulting stakeholders on
Hopewell Centre II
After rounds of consultation and internal review, the development
plan for Hopewell Centre II was revised in 2008. Taking note
of the concerns from local residents and the community, the
revised plan strikes a balance between economic development
and environmental protection. The scale of the project was
drastically reduced from 93 storeys to 55 storeys and the height
of the hotel to be built will be 210 metres, maintaining the island
ridge line in the backdrop.
In 2010/11, we continued to communicate with local stakeholders
on the progress of the project. Other important features of the
revised plan include the conservation of trees in the area and
the provision of a green park totalling 5,880 square metres.
We also propose to set up a consultative group to solicit views
on the design of the green park.
We endeavour to engage our stakeholders in the communities where
we operate, including local residents, tenants, NGO partners and
district councillors. We take their views into consideration during
the planning and design stage of our development projects with a
view to implementing projects which respond to the needs of the
community and promote sustainable community growth.