Corporate Governance and Sustainability
Hopewell Holdings Limited
Sustainability Report 2010/11 9
Actions for 2011/12
• Appoint additional Independent Non-Executive Directors
to enhance the Board mix
Thomas Jefferson WU, Managing Director, Hopewell Holdings Limited
and Hopewell Highway Infrastructure Limited
Management of ESG risks is
embedded in the integrated
management approach of different
business units.
Sustainability Steering Committee
A formal Sustainabi l ity Steering Committee was jointly
established by HHL and HHI in early 2011 to further promote
sustainability as part of the Group’s long term development.
The Committee serves as an important driver of our corporate
governance initiatives, as well as sustainability programmes in
the three core areas of community, environment and employees.
The Committee reports on corporate sustainability performance
and progress to the Managing Director of the Group. The current
members in the Committee are as follows:
Position in the Group
Thomas Jefferson WU
Managing Director of Hopewell Holdings
Limited and Hopewell Highway
Infrastructure Limited
Alan Chi Hung CHAN
Deputy Managing Director of Hopewell
Highway Infrastructure Limited
Albert Kam Yin YEUNG
Executive Director of Hopewell Holdings
Richard Cho Wa LAW
Company Secretary of Hopewell
Holdings Limited and Hopewell Highway
Infrastructure Limited
Elina Kar Li LEE
Head of Corporate Communications of
Hopewell Holdings Limited
The duties of the Sustainability Steering Committee are:
1. To establish and review the Group’s corporate sustainability vision,
strategy and principles
2. To adopt policies and practices, approve initiatives and budgets,
formulate objectives, key performance indicators and measures
to oversee the Group’s performance in relation to corporate
sustainability issues
3. To monitor progress in implementing initiatives, policies
and practices, review quality and effectiveness and make
recommendations to the Board where appropriate
4. To give directives to the working groups on the implementation of
sustainability initiatives
5. To receive regular reports from the designated executive(s) in regard
to the performance of the working groups and the Group’s corporate
sustainability performance
The Committee has appointed executives of the Group to manage
and monitor working groups, which comprise representatives from
relevant business units. The Committee also accesses professional
advice where needed.
Building on strong management commitment, we have devoted
much effort to promote sustainability through soliciting support
from staff of all levels. The HH Social Club set up in early 2011 also
serves as an interactive communication platform for representatives
from different business units to meet on an informal basis to share
their sustainability ideas and experiences and provide feedback on
community initiatives that they have been involved in.
Risk Management
Different guidelines, policies and procedures have been
established internally for the approval and control of the Group’s
expenditures and operations. Risk assessments are conducted for
all our investments and cover significant environmental, social and
governance (ESG) implications. We reject or divest from investments
that do not align with our sustainability philosophy. To minimise
ESG risks, we proactively engage with relevant stakeholders to enlist
their support of our investment projects.