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Procurement and
Supply Chain
Hopewell Holdings Limited
 Sustainability Report 2010/11
We carefully select contractors and suppliers to ensure that ethical
standards are adhered to and that they share the environmental and
social values of the Group.
Property and Facility Management
To ensure we provide quality and professional property and
facility management services, we have strict requirements on our
contractors and suppliers aligned with our quality control and
environmental policies. We maintain a database of 466 contractors
and 436 suppliers to support our real estate operations. To qualify,
the contractor or supplier has to register their interest and provide
their audit reports, along with background information of their
business. All qualified contractors or suppliers are required to
understand and officially acknowledge our Environmental Code of
Conduct for Contractors/Suppliers, which requires them to:
• Comply with all environmental laws and other requirements
• Control the use of materials and resources and maximise
energy efficiency
• Use and/or provide recycled products or materials as far as
possible, and avoid using products or chemical materials that
could cause significant negative impact to the environment;
• Reduce waste at our premises and other designated sites, and
adhere to legal requirements related to waste water disposal,
other waste disposal and noise pollution, when carrying out duties
• If possible, provide recyclable materials and products, and
reuse or recycle waste;
• Ensure proper disposal, handling, storage and treatment of
chemical and non-chemical waste to prevent harm
• Regularly maintain vehicles used to provide services and to
ensure noise, and air pollutants, are kept under control
• Familiarise themselves with our environmental approach
Apart from environmental considerations, we also evaluate the labour
practices of our contractors and suppliers, particularly in terms of the
welfare of workers that they provide for our sites. For security guards
and cleaners, we ensure that we comply with all statutory minimum
wage requirements. Our internal auditors check and ensure that their
take-home pay is at or above the minimum wage. In the reporting
year, all workers were paid above minimum wages.
Our Management Approach
We aim to ensure that all purchasing practices are governed
by the highest professional and ethical standards.
For property and facility management, we apply an
Environmental Code of Conduct for contractors and suppliers.
Labour practices are also monitored through inspections and
annual assessments.
For property and infrastructure construction projects,
contractor or supplier contracts outline our expectations
relating to environmental performance, occupational safety
and labour practices. Our approach also includes inspections
and capacity building in the form of supplier briefings.
For our joint venture operations, Directors and Senior
Executives sit on the Boards and participate actively
in management decisions. Through this we are able to
communicate our stance on environmental and social issues.
Hong Kong staff members have been placed on secondment to
work closely with our joint venture partners on implementing
and monitoring projects, influencing supply chain matters at
the operational level.
We have imposed strict and effective monitoring systems
and management controls to detect and prevent bribery,
fraud, or other malpractice in the process of procurement
and tendering.