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Hopewell Organized Mindfulness Tours to Promote the Mental Health of Students 
19 Nov 2022

Hopewell Holdings Limited ("Hopewell") and St. James' Settlement have jointly organized the “Hopewell Junior Volunteers Programme” for the seventh consecutive year. This year, the program included the "Nature X Mindfulness Workshop" to relieve stress and emotions of grassroots students, support their psychological health needs, and promote physical and mental health.
To allow students to experience the workshop, a Mindfulness Ecology Tour was held on 19 November. 23 students from the E.L.C.H.K Kwai Shing Lutheran Primary School and eight HH Social Club volunteers joined to cleanse their souls in the countryside. A professional instructor led the participants to use their five senses to understand nature, including sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. In addition to understanding biodiversity through different senses, they experienced how to interact with nature, enhancing positive emotions and relieving stress. After the event, St. James' Settlement will distribute psychological health questionnaires to participating students to evaluate the effectiveness of the workshop in improving emotional health.

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