Hopewell Holdings Limited
Sustainability Report 2010/11 19
Environmental Performance
Actions for 2011/12
• Develop a Group-wide environmental policy
• Strengthen partnerships with environmental NGOs to
promote clean air
• Participate in WWF’s Low-Carbon Office Operation
Programme (LOOP)
• Continue to identify energy saving opportunities in our
• Heighten efforts in encouraging environmental
awareness amongst our employees through the Go
Green Workplace Campaign
• Motivate employees to participate in environment-
related voluntary activities through the HH Social Club
• Print the hardcopy version of our annual report using
paper certified by the Forest Stewardship Council
We are committed to minimising the noise levels to which our
employees and neighbours are subjected. When planning new
developments, we implement advanced noise abatement practices.
As far as practicable we apply measures at our construction sites
including the use of hydraulic crushers instead of conventional
excavator mounted breakers, wire saws for concrete cutting instead
of excavator mounted breakers, acoustic enclosures for hand-held
breakers and generators, acoustic barriers for large equipment, and
the disposal of rubble through plastic chutes.
For our power plant operation, we opt for low-noise equipment
wherever possible, otherwise noise barriers or silencers are installed.
To minimise highway traffic noise, we have installed absorptive
noise barrier walls. We also use trees as natural noise barriers.
Waste Management
The proper handling of waste generated through our operations
can significantly reduce the impact on the environment. We have
initiatives in place to reduce, recycle and reuse waste.
Property and Hospitality
In selected properties we recycle paper, metal, plastic, batteries,
electronics and fluorescent lamps. To help reduce the quantity
of waste generated during festive seasons, we initiate recycling
programmes for mooncake and pudding boxes at Mid-Autumn
Festival and Chinese New Year. At Christmas, all the trees in Panda
Hotel were decorated with recycled materials that we collected such
as wine bottles, tissue rolls, plastic bottles, goblets, cans and other
resources to send out an eco-friendly message to our guests. KITEC
joined the programme on Source Separation of Commercial and
Industrial Waste run by the Environmental Protection Department in
early 2011. From July 2010 until May 2011, 175 tonnes of recycled
paper was collected on KITEC premises, representing 85% of the total
paper recycled on our premises, amounting to 205 tonnes.
Food Waste
Since November 2010, our hospitality outlets in Panda Hotel,
and Xi Shan and Menu at KITEC have adopted a new food waste
collection and recycling scheme. The food waste collected at these
three sites is recycled into animal feed, reducing its impact on the
environment. From the start of the programme to June 2011, we
collected a total of 348,480 litres of food waste, the equivalent
of 1,450 waste containers
. To date 94% of our restaurants have
implemented this scheme.
Residential Buildings Waste
We work with our residents to reduce waste at source in our managed
residential estates. Throughout the reporting year, residents of Villa
Lotto, Hoi Kwong Court, and Broadview Villa were involved in the
recycling of computers, electronic and electrical equipment, books,
plastic and used clothes. Villa Lotto and Broadview Villa have both
received a “Class of Excellence” Wastewi$e Label.
Power Plant Waste
Heyuan Power Plant reuses the different types of solid waste that
it generates. 86,000 tonnes of gypsum were reused in producing
ceiling boards and 335,000 tonnes of pulverised fuel ash were
reused as a material component for concrete.
With a capacity of 240 litres