Hopewell Holdings Limited
Sustainability Report 2010/11 13
Stakeholder Engagement
Actions for 2011/12
• Develop a formal stakeholder engagement strategy
within the next 12 months
• Develop a consultative group to solicit views on the design
of the green park as part of Hopewell Centre II plans
We would like to see more
communications from Hopewell in
terms of its community investment
initiatives in relation to its wider
impact on local communities.
Josephine LEE, Senior Manager, Corporate Venture,
St James’ Settlement, Hong Kong
Independent Stakeholder
Engagement Process
We employed an independent facilitator to carry out interviews
with the following stakeholder groups: Community welfare NGOs,
tenants, institutional investors, corporate customers, and senior
management. The stakeholders were chosen from organisations with
whom we have had long standing relationships as well as individuals
strategic to the respective parts of our business. The questions
focused on social, environmental and governance performance, but
were kept broad enough to allow stakeholders to identify their own
issues of concern.
Dialogue with our stakeholders provided us with some useful feedback:
• Our stakeholders are supportive of our role in helping to
develop local communities such as Wan Chai district. In
particular stakeholders noted our building of footbridges
between buildings to extend convenience and safety for
pedestrians, putting in place conservation measures and
contributing to the preservation of important heritage sites
• Maintaining a low profile in terms of our community
contributions was recognised by our stakeholders, but it was
also felt that we could communicate more on our community
investment projects
• Our stakeholders want us to develop long term relationships
with NGOs, formalise our employee volunteering programme
and develop flagship projects
• Some stakeholders perceive us as being a leader in developing
energy-efficient buildings in Hong Kong and our promotion
of electric vehicles was recognised. But we need to improve
on communicating our environmental performance
• Our stakeholders would like to see how we develop our staff
to enhance knowledge and skills and retain talent
• Safety and trustworthiness of products and services was
raised as a future area of concern for the industry and our
stakeholders would like to see how we are managing this
• It was felt that we could develop a more systematic approach
to our sustainability performance, setting a clear long term
strategic direction
• Our stakeholders appreciated the opportunity to engage and
encourage us to develop plans to engage with all stakeholders
over a long term basis
• Our stakeholders want us to demonstrate strong leadership
and play a key role in raising awareness on sustainable
development issues in the broader community
List of Charters and
Corporate Memberships:
• Signatory to Carbon Reduction Charter, Environmental
Protection Department
• Hong Kong Green Building Council (Institutional Member)
• The Community Chest of Hong Kong
• Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong
• Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
• The Chamber of Hong Kong Listed Companies
• The Hong Kong Management Association
• The Canadian Chamber of Commerce
• The Australian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and Macau
We address some of these concerns in this Report and we will
continue to engage stakeholders on an annual basis. In 2011/12,
we will develop a strategy to ensure regular contact with each
stakeholder group to feed into our reporting process and to identify
stakeholder issues as they emerge.